Да уж! Конечно, поразительно видеть то, как в считанные часы совершенно практически без повода из пальца высасывается такой вот “новостной сюжет” и начинает широко гулять по интернету. :)
nice work, I am using this service and they haven?t disabled my javascript that I use for navigation on my site as well as in the header. google did mess up jpeg directory links in the header though, but hover javascript still works.
i believe this is why they allowed scripts on their server, since without this permission many customized headers with javascript navigations would be disabled.
thanks, however, I would like to be able to check in on the search stats of my site?s account, i guess google analytics will have to do
Да уж! Конечно, поразительно видеть то, как в считанные часы совершенно практически без повода из пальца высасывается такой вот “новостной сюжет” и начинает широко гулять по интернету. :)
гггг! классная свинка!
сестричка у меня мелкая протащилась с такой хрюни!
nice work, I am using this service and they haven?t disabled my javascript that I use for navigation on my site as well as in the header. google did mess up jpeg directory links in the header though, but hover javascript still works.
i believe this is why they allowed scripts on their server, since without this permission many customized headers with javascript navigations would be disabled.
thanks, however, I would like to be able to check in on the search stats of my site?s account, i guess google analytics will have to do
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